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How do mosquito eggs form at home and how to eliminate them?

Last updated:
27 October, 2023
Reading time: 5 minutes
mosquito eggs

They enter the house and are easily recognizable by the annoying buzzing sound they produce. And even more so when we are about to fall asleep and know that they can sting us. And the worst thing is that more than once we have more than one and we don't even know where they come from. In these cases we have to make sure that they do not form mosquito eggs at home to prevent the proliferation of these insects and make them a real nuisance.

In this article we will detail how they reproduce, where they usually breed indoors and how to prevent them from laying their eggs.

How do mosquitoes reproduce?

First of all, we must know that the male and female mate only once, and the sperm is stored inside the female throughout her life. This is when the female begins to search for victims to drink blood and get protein to feed mosquito eggs.

After one or two days following the bite, the female can expel 200 to 300 eggs The mosquitoes are deposited at one time and, once deposited, will begin their growth process (eggs, larvae, pupa and adult).

One of the reasons why mosquitoes breed in humid places is because in their reproduction process requires water for their development. Therefore, it is common to see them in places where there is stagnant water, shady areas, humidity and vegetation.

Where do the mosquitoes we have at home come from?

It is estimated that nearly 80% of mosquitoes reproduce in private homesgardens, terraces, patios and swimming poolsThe conditions are ideal for their proliferation. Taking this into account, we can follow a few tips to eliminate the areas or objects susceptible to water accumulationsuch as:

  • Objects where standing water can accumulate (flower pot dishes, pet water troughs, ashtrays, bottles, etc.).
  • Badly closed drains and drains, where water takes longer to evaporate.
  • Bathing areas and swimming pools. Mosquitoes do not lay eggs in chlorinated water, but they do lay eggs around showers, for example.
  • Plants and green areas.
  • Fish tanks.

Females can usually lay their eggs in the following places running or stagnant waterIt can be seen flying over fountains, ponds, swamps or water containers. Likewise, they can also be found near places where a lot of garbage accumulates or putrefied food, since their sense of smell easily perceives decaying food. In this regard, if we live in a humid area, it is best to throw away the garbage bag daily, even if it is not full.

group of mosquitoes

How to remove mosquito eggs correctly

To begin with, we need to identify the containers that usually contain standing water and clean them several times a week. If we find mosquito eggs or suspect that we have found them, here are some suggestions for cleaning them. 4 techniques to eliminate them effectively:

Spreading method

  • Mix bleach with laundry detergent (without ammonia) in equal portions until a paste is obtained without adding water.
  • With a sponge, we apply the mixture to the walls of the container. In case we fall short, we can create more mixture.
  • We wait at least 10 minutes for the bleach to contact the eggs.
  • With a stiff bristle brush and scrub the inside walls of the container for about 5 minutes.
  • Rinse the walls with water to eliminate the mixture.
  • Repeat this step once a week.

Applying bleach to eliminate mosquito eggs

  • We dip a sponge in bleach and undiluted in water.
  • With the sponge dipped in bleach, soak the inside walls of the container, focusing on the water line. We have to make sure that the area is well covered with bleach to kill the eggs.
  • If the container is empty, pour a little bleach to cover the bottom.
  • Let the bleach act for 15 minutes (in case of having mixed with water, we have to wait longer).
  • We fill the container with water (if it was our intention).
  • We repeat the step once a week.

As an addition, we have to say that it is not necessary to empty or rinse the water container. It does not serve to purify the water or kill the mosquito larvae in it, but this method is intended to kill the eggs stuck to the inner walls. Do not mix with bleach or soap and it is not necessary to scrub the walls of the container.


  • Empty the water contained in the water container, as it may contain larvae or pupae. If there is still water left when we clean the container, the eggs may sink in the water and produce larvae.
  • Use a stiff bristle brush dipped in detergent or soap and brush in circular movements on the internal walls, especially in the upper and lower area of the old water line to remove the stuck eggs.
  • We can also scrub the bottom to remove any sediment, algae and leaves that accumulate and could feed the larvae.
  • We can do this process once a week.

As a note of clarification, we can use this method if we are unable to use the smear or bleach in the container.

Brushing with a brush

  • Completely empty the water container and, if possible, discard the water, as it may contain larvae or pupae.
  • We use a stiff plastic bristle brush to remove the eggs from the walls of the container.
  • Brush firmly using circular movements.
  • Rinse the container thoroughly, as the eggs detached from the walls may fall out and hatch if they are not removed or die.

It should be noted that this technique is not the most recommended, although it can be good if we do not have detergents or bleach. That is better than doing nothing.

Clean containers thoroughly

How to prevent the appearance of mosquitoes?

Now that we know where they come from, it's simpler to anticipate their entry into the house or proliferate within it.

It is important, as we have indicated, clean once a week areas where water accumulates to prevent it from stagnating and mosquitoes from multiplying. In case it is a necessity to accumulate water, we can cover with lids or fine mesh so that animals cannot gain access.

Likewise, it is good to install roll-up mosquito nets that you can go up and down when you feel like it so that mosquitoes and other insects cannot enter through the doors and windows if we have to ventilate the home. As for the interior, it is important not to let garbage accumulate, dry the bathroom well, clean the areas with less light and humidity, among other tips.

Products to prevent mosquito eggs and insects indoors

To be more specific in eliminating mosquitoes or to prevent them from entering the home, let's detail chemicals and home remedies which are known to be highly effective.

Chemical repellents for eliminating mosquitoes and mosquito eggs

Chemical repellents can be easily found in the market and we can, in general, find three effective types:

  • Mosquito repellent with chemicals and DEET. It is the best known on the market and has a duration of 2 to 5 hours.
  • Mosquito repellent with permethrin and that is placed on the garments.
  • Repellent IR3535 which has protection against mosquito bites for about 6 hours.

Vinegar or lemon

One of the homemade options to prevent mosquitoes from entering the house is to use a glass of vinegar with water or half a lemon in the window. The acid smell of these products prevents mosquitoes from entering the home. We can also, in extreme cases, rub the skin with lemon to be safer, but be careful not to smear eyes and sensitive areas.


We can also use the plant citronella and it is very easy to find and has a scent that we like, but nothing at all to mosquitoes. If you don't want to place it in your home, you can put citronella scented candles or essential oils or, alternatively, use a body cream with its essence.

citronella leaves and oil

Eucalyptus oil

The eucalyptus oil with lemon is another effective remedy and can be mixed with shampoo or moisturizer for easier application. Simply put 15 drops in a water diffuser or boil eucalyptus leaves and use the resulting liquid.

Mosquito trap for eliminating mosquitoes and mosquito eggs

One last tip is to prepare an anti-mosquito trap. One way to do this is to mix in a cup brown sugar, warm water and one gram of yeast. We heat the water, dissolve the sugar and sprinkle the yeast on top without mixing. We can place the mixture in a soda bottle with the nozzle cut in the shape of a funnel and the mosquitoes will fall into the trap.

We also recommend that the easiest way to prevent mosquito eggs from forming in your home is to prevent the entry of the adult mosquito. Close doors and windows with mosquito nets to prevent their access, by placing roll-up mosquito nets if you wish to be able to run them in case you want to use it on a door or fixed if you want to leave it permanently in your window, even on the terrace using larger mosquito nets such as the models from sliding mosquito nets sides. With these measures, you will keep mosquitoes out and reduce their presence in your home. Protect your home and enjoy a mosquito-free environment!

In conclusion, here we have presented you how to mosquito eggs are formed and how to eliminate them effectively. If you take note of our tips, you will never suffer from mosquito bites in your home again.

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Written by: Mosquiteras24h Publications


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