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How to install exterior roller shutters

Last updated:
27 October, 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes

Do you have old and/or broken blinds? If so, you'll be eager to replace them with new ones. That's as easy as choosing a model, detailing what measurements you want and waiting for them to arrive at your home. But... How to install them? This question is a bit more complex, but not much. In this post, you will learn how to installing an external rolling shutterPay attention, we'll tell you all about it in no time!

Why replace your old exterior blinds?

First of all, you have to make sure whether or not you really need to change your outdoor rolling shutters. There are several reasons for acquiring a new one:

  • The mechanism of the alicantine blinds that you own has broken and has no solution.
  • The old ones no longer fit in their place because have been deformed with sun, humidity, etc.
  • Modern models weigh less and you would like to use your curtains more easily.
  • You have changed the color of the walls of the room and look for an item that best matches the new décor.
  • Etc.

If you are determined to replace your exterior blinds, pay attention to the following section. We are going to tell you how to install them, step by step.

blue shutter

Installing an exterior roller shutter step by step

First of all, it is necessary to know how to measure alicantine blinds. As we are talking about exterior models, you must measure the window opening and add the space you want the roller blinds to protrude. When you have the measurements written down, you must proceed in this way to install them:

  1. Insert two pairs of eyebolts. One of the two pairs must be open type. You can insert them in the rear area of the front stop or in the upper area.
  2. Have as a reference the center or the pulley to divide the blind (imaginary) into two equal parts. This center will represent the insertion point of each part.
  3. Present the shutter perpendicularly, using a level as an aid. Mark the points symmetrical to the eyebolts. On them, you will insert the other two with a drill..
  4. To finish, fits closed eyebolts into open eyebolts. Finally, you will have your outdoor rolling shutter in place.

Lateral insertion of eyebolts in this type of window is generally used for doors. On the other hand, the upper insertion of eyebolts is the most commonly used for windows.

How much does it cost to install a roller shutter?

It is worth mentioning that there is a wide variety of types of blinds, some are cheaper to install and others less. This question has to do with the material or dimensions chosen. Without getting too much more involved (never better said), the cost of installing shutters can be less than 100 euros or even more than 300 euros.. Therefore, you will have to consider installing them yourself if you cannot find affordable prices in your area.

Cleaning and maintenance tips for exterior roller shutters

When you have your exterior roller shutter installed, you should take into account a series of recommendations to extend its useful life. This way, you won't have to install a new one for a long time.

  • Wooden blinds: you must remove dust and accumulated dirt, if possible, with wet suede leather. If you can give it one coat of varnish a year, all the better. In this way, you will restore the shine that it loses. Likewise, you will increase its impermeability and resistance to deterioration caused by the sun, cold, rain, etc.
  • PVC blinds for alicantinas: it is advisable to wash the plastic roller blinds with dishwasher cleaner diluted in water. To do this, you only need a damp cloth.
  • Aluminum rolling shutters: in these cases, a duster should be used once a day to remove dust and prevent dirt from accumulating.

These tips are essential, as exterior blinds are more prone to damage than interior blinds.


Now you know how to install an external rolling shutter step by step. As you have seen in this post of Mosquiteras24h, it is not a complicated task. Simply, you must know how to proceed in contrast to the installation of an interior roller blind. For any questions you have, ask us for advice. We will be happy to help you solve all the questions you have about it.

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Written by: Mosquiteras24h Publications


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